Data-driven professional with experience in people management, crowd working, behavioral research and analysis.


Full Time

Data Analyst - Influx Australia Pty Ltd (Influx) | Feb 2022 - Now

People Management Staff - PT. Multidaya Teknologi Nusantara (eFishery) | 2019 - 2020


Risk Analyst - Crisp Thinking Group Limited (Crisp) | Apr 2022- Now

People Management Consultant - PT. Multidaya Teknologi Nusantara (eFishery) | Jan - Mar 2021

Research Enumerator - Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung | 2019

Crowd Work

Independent Contractor - Various digital technology, & consulting services (OneForma, DefinedCrowd, Clickworker) | 2018 - Now


EN-IN Translator - PEOI (Professional Education Organization International) | 2018



**Descriptive analysis on intention and behavior:** Understanding Biking Behavior and Analyzing Factors Affecting Intention to Use Bike to School among School Students.

Data Analysis: Multi Linear, Ordinal, and Logistic Regression Analysis

Test Construction

Verbal Creativity Test Construction: Technical Manual & Booklet for the assessment of Individual Verbal Creativity based on Ellis Paul Torrance Theory of Creativity

Content Writing

Rangka Makna: Essays for a creative page called @rangkamakna, threading meanings found in stories with psychological & philosophical frameworks.



Universitas Padjadjaran: Psychology - 3.43 / 4.00 | 2017


Applied Data Science I: Scientific Computing & Python (with honors) : a comprehensive introduction to scientific computing, Python, and related tools used by data scientists.

Credly Badge: Applied Data Science I

Credly Badge: Applied Data Science II

Statistical Learning - Stanford Lagunita : an introductory-level course in supervised learning, with a focus on regression and classification methods

Statement of Accomplishment, with Distinction

Accenture Digital Skills - User Experience: UX and its impact on business. Explored the foundations of UX design and the design process

Certificate of Achievement

Kaggle - Machine Learning: Intro and Intermediate level course covering basic ML concepts, data exploration, model validation, cross-validation, missing values, pipelines, modeling techniques, and data leakage

Certificate of Completion - Intro

Certificate of Completion - Intermediate

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<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Who I am


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